Laura has fabulous problem-solving skills!
Laura is a personal coach, trainer, and inspirational public speaker. She is an ingenious problem solver and business consultant with industry experience in real estate, construction, business development, sales and marketing and mortgage industry. Laura’s core passion is helping companies and individuals solve problems, over come roadblocks and achieve their full potential. She achieves this through sales training, personal and leadership development coaching and more.
An experienced businessman who has observed Laura for several years said, “If you parachute her into a new industry, in a new territory, in a very short time and with minimum outside guidance or support she will master the basics of that industry and create new and profitable customers. She has done that. Repeatedly.”
An industry colleague said, “Laura is a skilled listener, quick learner, and wise analyzer of individuals. She uses these abilities to give her clients deep, but practical advice that integrates their internal lives with their external goals.”
She is strongly motivated to move people and businesses to find and fulfill their mission – and become more profitable at the same time. Time invested with Laura is consistently fun, energizing and transforming.
Laura completed her Bachelors of Science in Telecommunications Management in 2003 at the age of 20, graduating top in her class.She enjoys spending time with friends and family, horseback riding, hiking and exploring the outdoors, sporting events, adventure, being creative, learning new things, photography, reading and writing.